Lee: Secrets Behind the Comics 1947,
Famous Enterprises Inc., New York, 100 pages, first edition, very
little dirt on cover (see scan) but in almost perfect condition, rare! €
250.- ($ 287)

Zavisa: Berni Wrightson: A Look Back 1979,
first edition, hardcover with dustjacket, nice condition, 360 pages,
rare! €
180.- ($ 207)
Selby Daley Kelly &
Steve Thompson: Pogo Files for Pogophiles
Spring Hollow Books,
1992, hardcover with dustjacket, 256 pages with qualified text and many
pictures about one of the best comic strips ever...! condition is like
absolut like new
€ 29,- ($ 32)
Beagle (Nik Lauer), Leo
Talfin & Christopher Lauer: The Pogopedia
"A Codex of the Walt
Kelly Pogo Works ...being a concordance, catalogue of episodes, and
quotation dictionary, quirkily assembled, inconsistently researched, and
haphazardly organized."
Spring Hollow Books,
2001, paperback, 224 pages, signed Nik Lauer and Leo Taflin, condition is
absolut like new
€ 22,- ($ 24)
Lasse Åberg: Åbergs
T. Fischer & Co.,
1996, 154 pages with beautiful pictures of rare Disneyana, Swedish text,
dustjacket has some little problems but the book (HC) itself is like new
€ 90,- ($ 99)
l'autore e il fumetto /
11: Giorgio Cavazzano
1994, Editori del Grifo,
Montepulciano (Si), 128 pages (incl. many pictures) about this very
productive Italian comic artist who became well known for his work for
Disney, in Italian language!
€ 10,- ($ 11)
'autore e il fumetto / 3:
Dino Battaglia
1981, Editori del Grifo,
Montepulciano (Si), 136 pages (incl. many pictures) about one of the
best Italian comic artists ever, in Italian language!
€ 10,- ($ 11)