original comic art for the German MAD magazine drawn by Ivica Astalos - for sale at www.originalcomicart.com

AstalosG41.jpg 1.) Schneewittchen (Snow White)

backcover for the German MAD, 1970's, signed, 38,2 x 39,9 cm

€ 150,- ($ 165)

Astalos01.jpg 2.) Hänsel und Gretel (Hansel and Grethel)

onepager for the German MAD #232, 1988, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

No longer available!

Astalos03.jpg 3.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

onepager for the German MAD #165, 1983, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

No longer available!

AstalosG67.jpg 4.) Die Sterntaler (The Star-Money)

backcover for the German MAD, 1970's, signed, 38,2 x 39,9 cm

€ 150,- ($ 165)

Astalos05.jpg 5.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

onepager for the German MAD #163, 1982, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

No longer available!

AstalosG78.jpg 6.) Der Rattenfänger von Hameln (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)

backcover for the German MAD, 1970's, signed, 38,2 x 39,9 cm

€ 150,- ($ 165)

Astalos06.jpg 7.) Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty)

backcover for the German MAD #153, 1982, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

No longer available!

Astalos07.jpg 8.) Der Rattenfänger von Hameln (The Pied Piper of Hamelin)

onepager for the German MAD #111, 1978, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

No longer available!

AstalosG57.jpg 9.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

backcover for the German MAD, published in the 1970's and then again in MAD Extra #24, 1986, signed, 38,2 x 39,9 cm

No longer available!

Astalos10.jpg 10.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

onepager for the German MAD #201, 1986, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

No longer available!

AstalosG45.jpg 11.) Rapunzel

onepager for the German MAD, first published in the 1970's and later again in #216, 1987, signed, 38,2 x 39,9 cm

€ 150,- ($ 165)

Astalos12.jpg 12.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

onepager for the German MAD #250, 1990, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)

AstalosG46.jpg 13.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

backcover for the German MAD, published in the 1970's and then again in MAD Extra #10, 1979, signed, 38,2 x 46,5 cm

No longer available!

AstalosG50.jpg 14.) Rotkäppchen und der böse Wolf (Little Red Riding Hood)

backcover for the German MAD, published in the 1970's and then again in MAD Extra #25, 1986, signed, 38,2 x 39,8 cm

No longer available!

Astalos13.jpg 15.) Die Bremer Stadtmusikanten (The Bremen Town Musicians)

onepager for the German MAD #?, 1980's, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)

Astalos14.jpg 16.) Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty)

onepager for the German MAD #138, 1980, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121) 

AstalosG44.jpg 17.) Das Märchen vom Drachentöter (The Dragon Slayer)

onepager for the German MAD, published in the 1970's and then again in #148, 1981, signed, 38,2 x 39,9 cm

€ 150,- ($ 165)

Astalos15.jpg 18.) Rotkäppchen und der böse Wolf (Little Red Riding Hood)

onepager for the German MAD #134, 1980, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)

Astalos16.jpg 19.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

onepager for the German MAD #132, 1980, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)

  20.) Der Froschkönig (The Frog King)

backcover for the German MAD, published in the 1970's and then again in MAD Extra #21, 1984, signed, 38,2 x 39,8 cm

No longer available!

Astalos29.jpg 21.) Rapunzel

onepager for the German MAD #228, 1988, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)

AstalosScanzu80.jpg 22.) Dornröschen (Sleeping Beauty)

onepager for the German MAD #209, 1986, signed, 26,7 x 28,6 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)



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