German Democratic Republic


61.) Richard Hambach: Atze #7 / 1963

Pinguin Patts Eigenheim für Ferientage, collage made by fotos and original drawings, 21 x 26 cm

No longer available!


 62.) Jürgen Günther: Atze (?)

single panel for a game or a supplement?, only 6 x 7 cm

No longer available!


63.) Harry Schlegel: Würfelspiel: Pats Reiseabenteuer

1974, colored drawing for a game, 36,5 x 28,6 cm, comes together with the printed version

no longer available!


64.) ?: Atze #9 / 195?

1950's, 15,2 x 19,7 cm

no longer available!

DCP_3176.jpg 65.) "?": Robin Hood

30 x 46 cm

€ 75,- ($ 83)


66.) Harry Schlegel: Frösi #7 / 1984

Korbine Früchtchen, page 8, 28,5 x 32,5 cm

€ 130,- ($ 143)


67.) ???????

26 x 36,8 cm

€ 75,- ($ 83)

schlegelzwei20.8.07.jpg 68.) Harry Schlegel: Pats Reiseabenteuer

1973, 27,5 x 18,2 cm

no longer available!

DCP_3182.jpg 69.) Karl Fischer (?): Atze #9 / 1969

doublespread page 4 & 5, 32 x 20,5 cm

no longer available!

fischerseite3_4.jpg 70.) Karl Fischer: Atze #? / 19??

19 x 25 cm

no longer available!


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