Mecki, der schnelle Schwimmer
published in
Hör Zu! #37 / 1955, 37,5 x 46,2 cm
€ 1.650,- ($ 1,815)
Genfer Schnecke
comic for Simplicissimus
No. 32 / 1935, signed, 21,7 x 28,3 cm
€ 3.000,- ($ 3,300)
„- erweist sich als solche
nicht bloß durch ihr Tempo, sondern auch dadurch, dass sie jedes Mal
sofort die Hörner einzieht, wenn sie auf Widerstand stößt.“ |
Harald Juch: Cover for the
Berlin City Magazine tip
- for #5 / 1998, signed,
25,2 x 32,2 cm
€ 750,- ($ 825)
Franz Hlavaty (1861 - 1917):
unknown title
1899, ink, published in
the Meggendorfer Blätter (Nr. 455?), signed, 17 x 28,5 cm
€ 390,- ($ 429)
Kurt Heiligenstaedt (1890 -
1964): Fliegende Blätter # 4662
cover, 1934, signed, 27 x
36,5 cm
€ 490,- ($ 539)
Harald Juch: Cartoon for
German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (TAZ)
1981, signed, 28,5 x 27,6
€ 190,- ($ 209) |
Ulrich Schröder: Quicky
promotional comic for Nesquick,
signed, 29 x 35,5 cm
€ 98,- ($ 108)
Achim Danz: Robinson
#16, 17 , 18 - three
"Piccolo" cover on one sheet, à 14,5 x 9,3 cm
€ 195,- ($ 215)
Harald Juch: Cartoon for
German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (TAZ)
1983, signed, 38 x 26,5
€ 230,- ($ 253)
Harald Juch: Cartoon for
German newspaper Die Tageszeitung (TAZ)
1981, signed, 47 x 29,5 cm
€ 230,- ($ 253)
JOSEPH KUHN-REGNIER (1873 – 1940): unknown title
published in the
Meggendorfer Blätter #768, signed, 23,5 x 28 cm
€ 170,- ($ 187) |
THORSTEN KIECKER: RIA - Die Lichtklan-Chroniken - Same der
2011, page 20, 26,7 x 37,5 cm, very rare!
For RIA the „ink“ was always done with the computer so only
these originals –drawn with pencil on paper- exists. Even worth: For
the second album only single images were created by hand while the
layout and all following steps were created in the computer.
€ 550,- ($ 605) |
THORSTEN KIECKER: RIA - Die Lichtklan-Chroniken - Same der
2011, page 26, 26,7 x 37,5 cm, very rare!
For RIA the „ink“ was always done with the computer so only
these originals –drawn with pencil on paper- exists. Even worth: For
the second album only single images were created by hand while the
layout and all following steps were created in the computer.
€ 550,- ($ 605) |
THORSTEN KIECKER: RIA - Die Lichtklan-Chroniken - Same der
2011, unpublished (only partly used) page, 26,7 x 37,5 cm, very
For RIA the „ink“ was always done with the computer so only
these originals –drawn with pencil on paper- exists. Even worth: For
the second album only single images were created by hand while the
layout and all following steps were created in the computer.
€ 550,- ($ 605) |
MALI & WERNER: Selfporträt
for the German Underground Comix publisher Volksverlag, 1976,
signed, 27,5 x 28,7 cm
€ 390,- ($ 429) |
MALI & WERNER: Magic Comic Theatre
(cover?) for the German Underground Comix publisher Volksverlag,
1976, signed, 25,7 x 29 cm
€ 450,- ($ 495) |
1975, 27,5 x 40,5 cm
€ 250,- ($ 275) |
35,7 x 44,6 cm
€ 130,- ($ 143) |
HANS FÜSSER (1898-1959): Cripps "Umgang mit Bolschewisten"
probably 1930's, signied,
28,5 x 38 cm; Originals of the artistwho created „Jackel und
Bastel“-Zeichners are rare!
€ 350,- ($ 385) |