original artwork by Jan Gulbransson at www.comicoriginalart.com (page 2)


JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in Deutschland (The Ducks in Germany)

2012, the Ducks in the Spandauer Zitadelle in Berlin, page 21 (- of the album), signed, 40 x 56 cm

€ 390,- ($ 429)

Ducks_in_den_Alpen_Seite_28.jpg JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in den Alpen

2013, page 28 (-in the album) showing Donald in Switzerland, 39 x 57 cm

€ 320,- ($ 352)

Ducks_in_den_Alpen_Seite_29.jpg JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in den Alpen

2013, page 29 (-in the album) showing Donald in Switzerland, 39 x 57 cm

€ 320,- ($ 352)

Ducks_in_den_Alpen_Seite_30.jpg JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in den Alpen

2013, page 30 (-in the album) showing Donald in Switzerland, 39 x 57 cm

€ 350,- ($ 385)

Ducks_in_den_Alpen_Seite_31.jpg JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in den Alpen

2013, page 31 (-in the album) showing Donald in Switzerland, 39 x 57 cm

€ 320,- ($ 352)


JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in Deutschland

(here at the stock exchange in Frankfurt am Main),  2012, , page 71, signed, 40 x 56 cm

€ 450,- ($ 495)


JAN GULBRANSSON: Uncle Scrooge: Penny Problems

page 2, first published in Denmark in Anders And & Co. #16 / 2016, 39,5 x 57,3 cm

€ 290,- ($ 319)


Ducks_in_den_Alpen_S.37.jpg                           Ducks_in_den_Alpen_S.37_oben.jpg

Ducks_in_den_Alpen_S.37_Mitte.jpg   Ducks_in_den_Alpen_S.37_unten.jpg


JAN GULBRANSSON: Die Ducks in den Alpen (The Ducks in the Alps)

(here in Innsbruck, Austria), 2013, page 37 – which was drawn on three sheets (see scans). Those cannot put together to a page because of the blank borders; I will also provide the buye with all scribbles done for this page!!

€ 350,- ($ 385)


Die Ducks in den Alpen (The Ducks in the Alps)

2013, page 26 (- of the album) showing the Ducks at a bank in Lichtenstein, 39 x 57 cm, comes with the sketches done for this page

€ 390,- ($ 429)


Die Ducks in Deutschland (The Ducks in Germany)

2012, the Ducks at the carnival in Dusseldorf, page 86 (- of the album), signed, 40 x 56 cm

€ 390,- ($ 429)


Die Ducks in den Alpen (The Ducks in the Alps)

2013, page 39 (- of the album), 39 x 57 cm, comes with the sketches done for this page

€ 390,- ($ 429)


Die Ducks in den Alpen (The Ducks in the Alps)

2013, page 9 (- of the album), 39 x 57 cm, comes with the sketches done for this page

€ 320,- ($ 352)



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