Victor Arriagada Rios ("Vicar")

  49.) Write Thinking

Script-page 5, signed, 27 x 38 cm

no longer available!

  50.) Donald, the Perplexed Policeman  (D 2274)

November 1971, page 4, 31 x 45 cm, Vicar Originals from that period are very rare!

no longer available!

  51.) Donald, the Perplexed Policeman  (D 2274)

November 1971, page 5, 31 x 45 cm, Originals from that period are very rare!

No longer available!

  52.) Write Thinking

Script-page 2, signed, 27 x 38 cm

no longer available!

  53.) Write Thinking

Script-page 3, signed, 27 x 38 cm

no longer available!


54.) Donald Duck - The Ascetic  (D6338)

1983, page 6, 31,2 x 45,2 cm

no longer available!




55.) N'Tali Revisited

complete 12-page-script, each page is signed and measures about 27 x 41 cm

no longer available!


56.) Donald, the Perplexed Policeman  (D 2274)

November 1971, page 6, 31 x 45 cm, Originals from that period are very rare!

no longer available!




57.) Down With Christmas  (D 3057)

December 1973, complete 8 page story, à 31 x 45 cm

no longer available!

DCP1304.jpg 58.) The Cactus Cop

 script page 11, signed, 19 x 27 cm

no longer available!


59.) The Cactus Cop

 script page 12, signed, 22 x 29 cm

no longer available!



60.) The Fountain of Youth  (D 3133)

August 1974, complete 11 page story, à 31 x 45 cm

€ 1.990,- ($ 2,189)


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