1.) Strapazin-Chläber
design for a sticker for
the Swiss comic magazine Strapazin, signed, 13,1 x
13,1 cm
no longer available!

2.) Herr Duplexus
published in Tentakel
#2, signed, complete four-page-story, each page measures 25 x 25 cm
no longer available! |
3.) Südsee
2003, illustration for
the German magazine ADAC Reisemagazin, signed 16,5 x 11 cm
€ 100,- ($ 110)
4.) Frohes neues
Christmas/Newyear Card
for the German company Rhein-Main-Papier, signed, 10,5 x 21,1 cm
€ 120,- ($ 132)
5.) Müllinsel
illustration for the
German magazine Greenpeace-Magazin, signed, 10,3 x 16,3 cm
€ 150,- ($ 165)
6.) Christmascard...
...for the Swiss bicycle
producer Simpel.ch, 2003, signed, 15 x 25 cm
€ 125,- ($ 138)
7.) extra Muros
2002, greetingcard, signed, 21,5 x 9,5 cm
€ 120,- ($ 132)

8.) Hellboy
two preliminaries for the
German Hellboy #4, both are signed, 21,5 x 33 cm and 25,5
x 33 cm
9.) Vollmond
2004, illustration for
the German Geolíno-Spezial, signed, 11,5 x 11,7 cm
€ 50,- ($ 55)
10.) lernen
illustrationen for the
German magazine Geo #10 / 2004, signed 22 x 17 cm
€ 250,- ($ 275)
11.) Der erste Stern
published in Der
Mondgucker, signed, 25 x 34 cm
no longer available! |
12.) George Button
book cover, signed,
23,5 x 35 cm
€ 200,- ($ 220)