Galerie Lambiek, Exposition Pascal Doury, Bruno Richard, Ausstellungsplakat, Amsterdam, 1990

dickes, mattes, strukturiertes Kunstdruck-Papier, 44,7 x 57 cm

Zustand: 1 (Definition)

Preis: 40,00 €

Zusätzliche Informationen:

Plakat zur Ausstellung von Pascal Doury und Bruno Richard in der Galerie Lambiek in Amsterdam vom 15. Juni bis 15. August 1990.

The French experimental comic artists Pascal Doury and Bruno Richard prepared a very special exhibition of paintings and objects in Galerie Lambiek. In the days prior to the opening both artists created their work on the spot in our gallery. Doury and Richard are mainly known for their work in ' Raw ' magazine and the art itself is closer to modern art than comic-art, considered the free expressive character of their drawings and the unconventional form and contents of their stories, by which they strongly innovated the meaning of the conception 'graphic novel'. The exhibition showed 'comic art' that was previously unseen. Richard's raw etchy technic of working showed more exuberant abstract work and mainly explicit nudity and comic characters, while Doury's work is more childlike, clearlined and about love. His egg-headed wooden figures were a reoccuring theme.

(Galerie Lambiek, Amsterdam)

Galerie Lambiek, Affiche au format 44,7 x 57 cm., composée d'une double illustration de Bruno Richard et Pascal Doury, à l'occasion d'une exposition à la galerie Lambiek 1990. Rare.

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