Pogo - original comic art by Walt Kelly at www.originalcomicart.com (Gallery Laqua)

DCP06361Kopie.jpg 41.) Pogo Daily Strip

"The Two-Headed Dog"

Oct. 28, 1963, signed, 47,3 x 13,2 cm

€ 420,- ($ 462)

130_63_43.jpg 42.) Pogo daily strip

Oct. 21st, 1969, signed, 51 x 14,2 cm

€ 540,- ($ 594)


43.) Where the Wasties Repose

poem published in Pogo: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us, 1972, 23,5 x 30 cm

€ 430,- ($ 473)


44.) More Mother Goosery Rinds

page 1, published in the paperback Pogo Peek-A-Book, 1955, page 1, 23,5 x 36,7 cm

€ 1.250,- ($ 1,375)


45.) Pogo Daily Strip

1964, "Special 6" (one of those dailies which Kelly used as an option to replace a more political strip drawn for the same date), signed, 47 x 13,2 cm

€ 590,- ($ 649)

Aufnahme0152.gif 46.) Really Round the Ragboys / A Tuppeny Thrupence / Our Colander is Full of Holes

1958, poems for the book The Pogo Sunday Parade, pages 90 & 91, à 25 x 34 cm

€ 590,- ($ 649)

  47.) Pogo daily strip

Dec. 12th, 1967, signed, 51 x 14 cm

No longer available!


48.): Pogo Daily Strip

March 10, 1959, signed, 41,5 x 11,5 cm

€ 480,- ($ 528)


49.) Pogo Possum #13

1953, page 10, rare! 24 x 33,5 cm

€ 630,- ($ 693)

51kellydaily.jpg 50.) Pogo Daily Strip

Nov. 9, 1963, signed, 47,2 x 13 cm

€ 490,- ($ 539)

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51.) The Glob

1952; Artwork done for a book of John O’Reilly: The wraparound cover, the art fort the endpapers plus 34 (!) illustrations used in the book (shown here are only 8 of them), cover is 45,5 x 22,5 cm (always the art itself without borders), doublespread endpaper illustration is 44 x 31,5 cm, other illustrations vary from 8 x 8 to 16 x 16 cm

price for his unique lot: € 8.500,- ($ 9,350)

131_49_31.jpg 52.) Pogo Possum #11

inside front cover, 1953, 24 x 32,5 cm

890,- ($ 979)
119_48_38.jpg 53.) Pogo Sunday page

Feb. 28th, 1960, signed, 59,5 x 40,5 cm, logo missing

€ 1.150,- ($ 1,265)
122_17_13.jpg 54.) Pogo daily strip

March 25th, 1969, signed, 50,8 x 14,2 x cm

€ 380,- ($ 418)

55.) WALT KELLY: Gore Blimey – The Bloody Drip Writhes Again

page 5, published in The Pogo Peek-A-Book, 1955, 23,5 x 36,5 cm

€ 530,- ($ 583)


56.) Pogo daily strip

April 26th, 1972, signed, 43,4 x 12,3 cm

€ 400,- ($ 440)


57.) WALT KELLY: Gore Blimey – The Bloody Drip Writhes Again

page 8, published in The Pogo Peek-A-Book, 1955, 23,5 x 36,5 cm

€ 530,- ($ 583)


58.) WALT KELLY: Gore Blimey – The Bloody Drip Writhes Again

page 9, published in The Pogo Peek-A-Book, 1955, 23,5 x 36,5 cm

€ 530,- ($ 583)


59.) Pogo daily strip

June 26th, 1965, featuring Grundoon! signed, 47 x 13,2 cm

€ 375,- ($ 413)


60.) Pogo daily strip

July 25th, 1966, “prehysterical”! signed, 47 x 13 cm

€ 500,- ($ 550)


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