Pogo - original comic art by Walt Kelly at www.originalcomicart.com (Gallery Laqua)

DCP06311.jpg 101.) Robin Hood to Pay Piper

1953, published in the paperback Uncle Pogo So-So Stories, 22 x 33,5 cm

€ 570,- ($ 627)



102.) Pogo daily strip

April 13th, 1963, signed, 47 x 13,2 cm

€ 480,- ($ 528)


103.) Pogo Possum #15

1954, page 10 of the story Teeth for Two for the comic book series, rare! 24,2 x 33,7 cm

€ 650,- ($ 715)


104.) Pogo Sunday Page

Dec. 27th, 1964, signed, 59,5 x 40 cm

No longer available!


105.) Pogo Sunday Page

Camp Siberia!

Aug. 25, 1963, signed, 59,5 x 40,5 cm

€ 1.250,- ($ 1,375)

  133_20_14.jpg 106.) Pogo daily strip

Dec. 4th, 1965, signed, 47,2 x 13,2 cm

€ 780,- ($ 858)
133_21_15.jpg 107.) Pogo daily strip

April 25th, 1968, signed, 51 x 14,2 cm

€ 720,- ($ 792)


108.) Pogo daily strip

Aug. 15th, 1969, signed, 51 x 14,2 cm

€ 780,- ($ 858)


Walt Kelly (109): pages...

...109 & 110 for one of the paperback reprint books, 1950's or 60's, à 25,5 x 23,5 cm

€ 505,- ($ 556)

songspogo04.jpg Walt Kelly (110): Songs of the Pogo

1956, illustration for page 62 of the book, drawn on board, colored on separated cels, 23 x 13,5 cm, very rare!

€ 495,- ($ 545)

prehysp23c.jpg 111.)  Prehysterical Pogo

1966, mid row of page 24 for the famous paperback, 24,5 x 13 cm

€ 75,- ($ 83)

133_23_17.jpg 112.)  Pogo Daily Strip

June 17th, 1970, signed, 51,2 x 14,3 cm

€ 890,- ($ 979)
111_39_Kelly_30.jpg 113.) I’d Rather be President

two book illustrations, 1956, 15,7 x 24,5 cm, rare!

€ 200,- ($ 220)

111_21_Kelly_17.jpg 114.) Pogo daily strip

Aug. 31st, 1954, signed, 41,6 x 11,5 cm

€ 370,- ($ 407)

120_40_48.jpg 115.) Gone Pogo

1961, „Chapter 11“, 25,5 x 21 cm

€ 110,- ($ 121)
  116.) Pogo daily strip

Jan. 8th, 1965, signed, 47 x 13 cm

No longer available!

  117.) Pogo daily strip

Feb. 4th, 1958, signed, 41,2 x 11,5 cm

No longer available!

118.) Pogo daily strip

Feb. 9th, 1952, signed, 41,5 x 11,5 cm

No longer available!

112_02_2.jpg 119.) Pogo daily strip

Oct. 11th, 1963, signed, 47,2 x 13,3 cm

€ 790,- ($ 869)

112_10_1_9.jpg  112_10_2_10.jpg  112_10_3_11.jpg

112_10_4_12.jpg  112_10_5_13.jpg  112_10_6_14.jpg

120.) Deck Us All With Boston Charlie

complete six-page-poem/song published 1961 in the paperback Gone Pogo, à about 28 x 34 cm

€ 6.900,- ($ 7,590)


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